Tech Strategies

As digital technologies are blurring the lines between software, hardware and services, and as IT Directors have become responsible for integrating software and apps with devices and services, the tasks of collecting, sorting, and analyzing data describing their usage needs have become overwhelming. Furthermore, once the data is turned into actionable knowledge, the subsequent task of finding and evaluating the right products and services is too ominous for most IT Directors to tackle on their own. Yet this is all just preparation for the most important phase- the strategic implementation of the designed solutions. The pressures and complexities associated with these endeavors gives astute directors compelling reasons to seek a partner who can help lead the way. Enter Telesource.

Our consultants are constantly researching and evaluating technologies that help businesses simplify their operations and be more productive. Some of these technologies include:

Unified Communications as a Service
UCaaS used to be synonymous with PBX emulation delivered over the Internet. However the rapid development of Cloud-based communications technologies has expanded the service far beyond phone system capabilities. In fact, UCaaS provides seamless integration of email, voicemail, Presence and Instant Messaging, audio, video and Web conferencing, communications-enabled applications, ubiquitous desktop access, multi-point collaboration tools, and, of course, voice telephony and mobility. The benefits of UCaaS include built-in redundancy, improved reliability, ease of management and reporting, streamlined user experience across devices and applications, greater security, flexibility, scalability, decreased maintenance, single-point-of-contact troubleshooting, and greatly reduced capital expenditures. Overall, what’s driving this suite to have the highest adoption rate of any business communications service is the fact that UCaaS has become known as the first solution to implement when a business needs to greatly increase productivity and reduce expenses.

As businesses continue implementing multiple cloud-based applications and tools, they need increased network resiliency and flexibility to provide better application performance across a variety of network environments. SD WAN is the most cost-effective solution, as it enables spontaneous changes to such parameters as routing determinations and intent-based policies, allowing businesses to optimize bandwidth for performance and cost.

Contact Center as a Service
Advanced Cloud architectures have made single-location contact centers relics of the past, and the compelling difference between premise-based architecture and Cloud contact centers go far beyond the multi-point features of IVR, call routing, and agent collaboration. Advanced portal capabilities, along with ACD, CRM and auto dialer integrations, are delivering customer experiences, agent enablement, analytics, performance reporting, and customer conversion rates that have been heretofore unimaginable. If your agents and customers are not expressing the satisfaction ratings you desire, it’s likely that your contact center is not leveraging the tools incorporated into a cleverly designed Cloud strategy.

Cyber Security
Historic “Shelter In Place” decrees have created more opportunity for cyber attacks than ever before. Whether addressing attack vectors, Malware, hacking, viruses, data breaches, content filtering, Web and email security, Active & Passive Security Appliances, or PCI and HIPAA compliance, TeleSource provides network & data security strategies that help businesses connect safely with their remote workers, vendors and clients, stemming the impact of these enormous and evolving threats.

IoT / Web Integration / Process Automation
The accelerated growth of cloud applications is driving demand for always-on connectivity. Gartner forecasted 20.4 billion connected devices in the world by the end of 2020. In addition, wireless and remote worker connectivity will be primary components of every business network within the next 3 years. In fact, many companies have already implemented technologies such as geofencing into their business processes to cut costs and improve customer service. Enterprises that design Internet-connected devices into their operations are able to automate and greatly improve customer experiences, and re-allocate their people to higher level responsibilities.